Collaboration (Group Project) for Usrah Budi 3

Assalamualaikum! May Allah S.W.T. bless your day.

We have been given an assignment for our Usrah's class. The topic that we choose was 'Fasting according to Scientific & Islamic Perspective'  In this assignment, I was assigned to do some research about the sub topic on 'Fasting according to scientific perspective' with my teammates Alya as well as editing some parts of the poster. The poster have been created through an application named CANVA. 
We choose this topic due to the fact that we're currently in the month of Ramadhan. Thus, this infographic poster could benefits the audience with extra information that is useful in this holy month. 


Our presentation was held on 1st May 2021 through google meet platform at 

Personal comments regarding the poster that I have shared with my friends through WhatsApp platform. 

In conclusion, it is really fun to work with the team, as they are so cooperative and helpful towards each other. 


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