
Hopes & Reflections for Usrah Budi 4

Assalamualaikum! Hi Everyone! My Usrah Budi 4 class was quite different from the previous Usrah Budi class. Classes were conducted twice a week via google meet since I took the subject during the short semester (Semester 3). Moreover, Sister Suha as our Naqibah was quite firm in terms of attendance and task. On the other hand, it teaches us to be more discipline and more respectful towards others.  Through out the semester, we have been assigned with two task only. The first task was the community enhance project where each group which consist of 5 members must conduct an e-talk session based on the theme given. The second task was an individual task where each and everyone must present a topic that have been assigned to them by  Naqibah. The topic that was given to everyone was quite challenging as it requires a high thinking skills and some research.   I hope Usrah Budi class will remain as one of the subject that is less stressful for the students.  Last but ...

Community Enhancement Project for Usrah Budi 4

 Assalamualaikum! May Allah S.W.T. bless your day. Every semester for Usrah Budi 4's class, students are required to conduct a community enhancement project. However, due to the pandemic, Sister Suha as the Naqibah for Section 209 have assigned us to conduct an e-talk session per group which consist of 5 members.  My group was assigned to hold an e-talk session based on the theme ‘A Mawaddah and Sakinah Family’. We have selected 3 expert panels and provided three different subtopics for them to discuss. The first panel was Puan Fadhlina Siddiq who is a Syarie lawyer and also a child activist discussed how to respect the rights of women and children. The second speaker is a well -known public figure who usually appears on TV programs, Datuk Dr. Ustazah Norhafizah Musa who discusses how to build a happy marriage based on Islamic views. The last speaker was Tuan Syarafi a well-known Syarie lawyer who usually answers many legal questions on twitter and he discusses topics on respo...

Hopes & Reflections on Usrah Budi 3 class

Assalamualaikum! Hi Everyone! Usrah Budi 3 class is quiet interesting compared to the other 2 Usrah Budi  where there are some tasks that require us to see some animated videos .  We learn it in a fun way and it’s easier to understand  as well as relatable to us compared to a normal video.  Furthermore, through out the Usrah Budi 3 class,  we were asked to create a group project and we had to present it as interestingly as possible.   Most of the groups  conducted quiz sessions after their  presentation through Kahoot platform and Google forms   that attracted the audience to listen to  their presentation. This activity not only makes the audience feel excited to listen to the presentation, but also makes the presenters feel more appreciated because they know that the audience listened carefully to it. I hope the next Usrah Budi 3 class can be still conducted online as i think the virtual sessions are more effective t...

Collaboration (Group Project) for Usrah Budi 3

Assalamualaikum! May Allah S.W.T. bless your day. We have been given an assignment for our Usrah's class. The topic that we choose was 'Fasting according to Scientific & Islamic Perspective'  In this assignment, I was assigned to do some research about the sub topic on 'Fasting according to scientific perspective' with my teammates Alya as well as editing some parts of the poster. The poster have been created through an application named CANVA.  We choose this topic due to the fact that we're currently in the month of Ramadhan. Thus, this infographic poster could benefits the audience with extra information that is useful in this holy month.    Our presentation was held on 1st May 2021 through google meet platform at  Personal comments regarding the poster that I have shared with my friends through WhatsApp platform.  In conclusion, it is really fun to work with the team, as they are so cooperative and helpful t...

Usrah Budi 2 Review

Assalamualaikum! Hi Everyone! What I gained throughout the Usrah Budi 2's class, this semester, I was able to improved my  understanding more deeply on learning the hadith. As we know, not everyone can understand a hadith as what as it should , some just read it and determine it themselves without referring to anything or anyone. You should at all cost avoid this bad habit. You cannot simply defined a hadith. You need both knowledge and a sahih reference. Usrah Budi 2 do taught me a lot on how to find a sahih hadith as well as how to understand it as its originally means. To be honest, I'm happy that the Usrah Budi's class this semester is conducted through online learning which is beyond my expectation. This is because, the class is on Saturday and my schedule this semester is too pack as well as I often feel exhausted. Therefore, having Usrah Budi's class online give me sufficient time to rest and recovering from a hectic schedule.  Sister Iffah understood her...

Usrah Budi 2 Poster 'Words of Inspiration' !

 "Forgive them even if they are not sorry" Indeed Qiyamah is approaching, so pardon (those who wrong you) with most graceful pardon (without revenge). ~ Quran 15:85 - Surah Al-Hijr If someone hurt you intentionally or unintentionally let them be, forgive them and let it go cause later Allah will grant you thousand even millions times of happiness as well as peacefulness that will ease your life. 

Personal experience that made me feel grateful to Allah swt.

Assalamualaikum and hi!  I was assigned by Sister Iffah to write something that made me grateful to Allah. The most grateful things that Allah has given me is my family. Alhamdulillah I still have my family (physically) with me today. No one can compare how much I love them and of course I believe that everyone will do the same. Right? 2020 will end soon in just a few days. As I looked back, I saw many things I would not have been able to accomplish without the help of my family.  Having online classes for two semesters is not easy. You need someone to lift you up spiritually and physically so that you can be ‘alive’ attending virtual classes every day.  I am thankful that both parents were able to understand my situation in dealing with online classes almost everyday where I could not help as much as I did before in doing the house core.  Reading the confession on social media where parents could not understand how their children are living now makes me more gratefu...