Hopes & Reflections on Usrah Budi 3 class

Assalamualaikum! Hi Everyone!

Usrah Budi 3 class is quiet interesting compared to the other 2 Usrah Budi where there are some tasks that require us to see some animated videosWe learn it in a fun way and it’s easier to understand as well as relatable to us compared to a normal video. 

Furthermore, through out the Usrah Budi 3 class, we were asked to create a group project and we had to present it as interestingly as possible.  Most of the groups conducted quiz sessions after their presentation through Kahoot platform and Google forms  that attracted the audience to listen to their presentation. This activity not only makes the audience feel excited to listen to the presentation, but also makes the presenters feel more appreciated because they know that the audience listened carefully to it.

I hope the next Usrah Budi 3 class can be still conducted online as i think the virtual sessions are more effective than face to face session because the communication are more clearer and the time during classes are spend wisely.

Last but not least, to Sister Haffizah I would like to thank you for teaching and guiding us throughout this semester especially during our last class where Sister Iffah thought us about Tajweed and how to read some Quranic verses properly. May Allah bless you with endless happiness and reward you a beautiful home in jannatul firdaus. 

Finally, to Sister Haffizah I would like to thank you for teaching and guiding us throughout this semester especially during our last class where Sister Iffah thought us about Tajweed and how to recite some Quranic verses correctly. May Allah bless you with endless happiness and give you a beautiful abode in jannatul firdaus.


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