Lessons from Abu Bakar's life (Collaboration)
Assalamualaikum! May Allah S.W.T. bless your day.
We have been given an assignment for our Usrah's class. The topic that we choose was Lessons from Abu Bakar's life. In this assignment, I was assigned to do some research about the topic and editing parts of the poster. The poster have been created through an application named CANVA.
We know that Abu Bakar As-Siddiq contributes a lot in developing Islam for the past centuries. Prophet Abu Bakar's full name was Abdullah ibn Uthman. He was given many titles during his life-time including one of the most known title called As-Siddiq by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. As-Siddiq comes from the root word Sidq which referred as 'the truthful'. It happened when Abu Bakar believe Prophet Muhammad S.A.W in the event of Isra' and Mi'raj while others don't.
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W highlighted Abu Bakar As -Siddiq as an example to the rest of his companios:
Verily, when Allah sent me to you, you said, ‘You are lying.’ Meanwhile, Abu Bakr said, ‘He has spoken the truth.’ He then consoled me by sacrificing himself and his wealth [for the cause of Islam]. So will you not then leave my Companion alone for me [and abstain from bothering or harming him]
- As-Sirah Ab-Nabawiyyah, Ibn Katheer 1/439-441
Other than Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Abu Bakar's life was full of good examples that we can followed as a Muslim.
The death of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W has been the biggest calamity to befall humanity. His death left his friends distraught. Initially, even Umar ibn Al-Khattab, was in denial and proclaimed that he would kill anyone who tried to tell him that the Prophet Muhammad had been dead.
On the same day, despite the absence of the man who had driven him in all aspects of Islam, and whom he loved more than his parents, Abu Bakar gathered the power and clarity of thought to give the following speech:
Whoever used to worship Muhammad, then indeed Muhammad has died. And whosoever worships Allah, then Allah is alive and does not die.
‘Muhammad is no more than a Messenger, and indeed [many] Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as a disbeliever)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful.’
[Qur’an 3:144]
Abu Bakar served as leader of the Muslims community right after the death of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W for two years. He faced and countered huge problems such as masses of Arabs apostatising following the death of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Furthermore, Abu Bakar assigned out military expeditions to resume the spread of Islam and oversaw the affairs of the expansive Islamic state, including the administration of wealth and teaching of Islam. Abu Bakar As-Siddiq was such a great figure that hold a huge strength to face the calamity right after the death of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Although he was given such immense responsibility, he remained modest. He stated in one sermon:
By Allah, not on any day of my life did I aspire to become a ruler. I never desired any such position, and I never invoked Allah, openly or secretly, to make me a leader. I accepted your appointment only because I feared the onset of strife and discord [had you continued to disagree with one another over who should be appointed to the Caliphate]. As a leader, I cannot have peace or comfort, for I have been charged with a tremendous duty, which I will never be able to fulfill unless Allah, the Possessor of Might and Majesty strengthens me. And I would love it if the strongest of people (Umar or Abu Ubaidah) were able to take my place.
- Al-Mustadrak 3/66
Next, the words and acts of Abu Bakar A.S in these difficult times serve as a crucial example, and show how important it is for the Muslims to have a leader who can spread the message of Islam and defend it from internal and external threats. However, if we ask today how many Muslim leaders would act and capable to portrayed a character as good as Abu Bakar? It will remained unanswered.
Abu Bakar As-Siddiq was such an inspirational figure whom I look upon to. As a Muslims, we need to learn and implement all the good things that have been potrayed by Abu Bakar As-Siddiq in order to lead ourlife and hereafter to jannah.
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