Usrah Budi I Review (Wishes)

Assalamualaikum! Hi Everyone!

Today, i would like to write some personal thoughts, opinions and suggestion about the Usrah Budi's Class. As we all know, its been two semester that the university conduct online classes as a medium of teaching and learning to replace the face to face class. 

What I gained throughout the Usrah Budi I's class, I was able to improved my social skills. This is because during the online class, Sister Nisa will encouraged each and everyone of us to give opinion and actively participate in the discussion about a topic that have been presented by our friend. The question and answer session helped us to improve our communication skills and built confidence.

Furthermore, Usrah Budi's class allowed you to make new friends from different Kuliyah. It was a great platform for you to get to know and create new friendship especially with the international students. Even though it was 100% online based learning, it never refrained us from working as a group in completing the assignment. 

I hope that I will able to secure a place for me to take the Usrah Budi II subject next semester because we know that there are limited quota for the students to take this subject every semester. It will be great if we can go back to the normal norms and have a face to face usrah session with everyone. Moreover, I hope that the Usrah session in the Usrah Budi class will not just end there but can be practice in our daily life. 

Last but not least, to Sister Nisa I would like to say thank you so much for teaching and guiding us. May Allah bless you with endless happiness and reward you a beautiful home in jannatul firdaus. 


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