Hopes & Reflections for Usrah Budi 4
Assalamualaikum! Hi Everyone! My Usrah Budi 4 class was quite different from the previous Usrah Budi class. Classes were conducted twice a week via google meet since I took the subject during the short semester (Semester 3). Moreover, Sister Suha as our Naqibah was quite firm in terms of attendance and task. On the other hand, it teaches us to be more discipline and more respectful towards others. Through out the semester, we have been assigned with two task only. The first task was the community enhance project where each group which consist of 5 members must conduct an e-talk session based on the theme given. The second task was an individual task where each and everyone must present a topic that have been assigned to them by Naqibah. The topic that was given to everyone was quite challenging as it requires a high thinking skills and some research. I hope Usrah Budi class will remain as one of the subject that is less stressful for the students. Last but ...
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